The COVID-19 pandemic has unveiled the huge challenges and risks health workers are facing globally including healthcare-associated infections, violence, stigma, psychological and emotional disturbances, illness, and even death. Furthermore, working in stressful environments makes health workers more prone to errors which can lead to patient harm. Therefore, the World Patient Safety Day 2020:
Theme: Health Worker Safety: A Priority for Patient Safety
Slogan: Safe health workers, Safe patients
Call for action: Speak up for health worker safety!
CTS will implement the Bio-Rad Geenius HIV 1/2 supplemental assay on Monday September 21, 2020. The ...
As a reminder, CTS will be exhibiting this weekend at the AABB Annual Meeting in San Antonio, T...
The new Learning Center website launch today on Monday, March 30, 2020. While the link to the new Le...
On February 18, 2019, the new CTS Laboratory Information System was successfully implemented in Tamp...
Through communications with our clients, CTS is aware of the current national blood shortage. We rea...
The CTS 2020 Annual Laboratory Survey is on its way to your email box. We would appreciate you takin...