CTS Dallas and Phoenix Labs successfully implemented WNV NAT testing on the Panther Testing Platform on Monday, June 17th. As previously communicated, the Grifols assay and sample requirements are the same, and the package insert has been modified to state the assay is specific to the Panther Testing Platform. The new package insert, assay history list, and platform history list are now available on our website.
As a friendly reminder, airlines often change their routine flights and cargo hours for holidays. We...
The CTS 2020 Annual Laboratory Survey is on its way to your email box. We would appreciate you takin...
Daylight Saving Time Begins March 10, 2019. As a friendly reminder, airlines often change their rout...
The new online Learning Center with new content can still be found under the “Training” folder on ...
At CTS, we understand the impact converting to the Ortho viral marker platform has on your operation...
On December 28, 2021, the FDA updated the emergency use authorization (EUA) for COVID-19 conva...